Receiving a mail-ordered package is a simple joy, from the anticipation to the satisfying unveiling. The rush of heaving it onto the kitchen table, the snip of tape, and the bubble wrap's squeak create an immersive experience. The air carries the enticing scent of a new product.
Receiving a mail-ordered package is a simple joy, from the anticipation to the satisfying unveiling. The rush of heaving it onto the kitchen table, the snip of tape, and the bubble wrap's squeak create an immersive experience. The air carries the enticing scent of a new product.
And then, the moment arrives. A shiny item, intricately wrapped in protective cardboard, effortlessly reveals itself as you pull a tab.
This ritual has the power to inspire repeat orders, making it crucial for customer satisfaction. Good product packaging design is the key to achieving this.
What is product packaging design?
Product packaging design is the art of creating the outer containers that house your products. It dictates their look and feel, how they safeguard the contents, and the pleasure they bring when opened.
Why is product packaging design important?
In ecommerce, a customer's first interaction with your products is the moment they open the packaging—a significant opportunity to provide a positive brand experience. As online businesses lack physical stores or face-to-face interactions, package design becomes a crucial part of your brand identity.
An Ipsos poll revealed that 66% of respondents consider packaging materials influential in their purchasing decisions. Therefore, your product packaging design directly impacts your bottom line, emphasizing its importance for ecommerce success.
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